Thursday, 28 May 2020

Defra Phosphorus Webinair Haygarth and Withers, May 2020

Today it is my pleasure to be speaking to the UK Government Defra team on 'Phosphorus' as part of a joint platform shared with my colleague Paul Withers.  Paul started his career a ADAS in the earlier days when I was at IGER (now Rothamsted North Wyke).  As a nice refletion of a long journey we are both now Professors at Lancaster University, together.

Paul Withers

It is a pleasure to be workng alongside Paul (left), we have come a long road together, it is nearly 30 years since we both started work on phosphrous together.  We have worked together on phosphorus for MAFF and Defra since the early 1990s, both national coordinators for the MAFF then Defra National Phosphorus Research Programs.

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